Wednesday 19 April 2017

LinkedIn Tip 89 - How do you create a professional profile address?

Does your LinkedIn profile web address look like a bunch of numbers and letters?

How professional does that appear to others who view your profile, or those you forward your profile address to for viewing?

Are you wondering how you can create your own "vanity" web address. It is also referred to as a custom URL for your public LinkedIn profile.

Here's how you can further enhance your personal brand on LinkedIn:

1. Go to your personal profile page.

2. In the upper right corner, you will see "Edit your public profile".

3. Click that link and it will open a new page where you can see what your profile will look like to others who view your profile.

4. At the top right side of this page, you will see "Edit your public profile URL".

5. Scroll down a few lines to where you see your profile URL and a blue pencil to the right of it.

6. Click the blue pencil.

7. Now you can add the extension you wish. Most people use their personal name in different formats, but it will not save if it is already taken. You may need to get a little creative. For example, I have discovered that there are two other women with my exact same name, so I use "marketingmentress" as my extension.

8. Remember to scroll down the page to save the changes you have made.

After you have saved these changes, then log out of your account and back in again. Go to the "view your pubic profile" page again and check to see if the changes have actually taken effect.

Voila! You now have your own public URL for LinkedIn!

Easy peasy!

If you have any LinkedIn questions, please feel free to ask. I will write a blog about it, so others can also benefit.

Make it a great day!

Christine Till

The Marketing Mentress

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